Russia’s Relentless Assault, Ukraine’s No Retreat Vow | Battle Of Bakhmut Strategic Or Symbolic?

Russia’s Relentless Assault

Ukrainian President Zelensky has vowed not to retreat from Bakhmut as Russian forces rain fire to capture the embattled city. Zelensky said his advisers unanimously agreed to “not to retreat” and to bolster Ukrainian defences in Bakhmut. Zelensky and the chief of the Ukrainian military, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, reportedly have conflicting views on the situation in Bakhmut. Kyiv has decided to continue holding the city despite US claims that Bakhmut has “more of a symbolic than strategic or operational value”. The US Defence Secretary said that if Ukrainian forces decided to reposition west of Bakhmut, he would not view that as a strategic setback. Why are Russia and Ukraine not ready to give up Bakhmut?

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