Ben Wallace Out As UK Defence Secy Within Days Of Telling Ukraine To “Be Grateful” At NATO Summit

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace Quits

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has revealed he will step down from his post at the next reshuffle. Wallace told UK’s Sunday Times he will quit as an MP at the next election. Wallace added that he will not force a by-election by resigning “prematurely”. The announcement comes right after he triggered a controversy last week at the NATO summit in Vilnius. During the summit press conference, Wallace said that the West is not like retail giant Amazon for weapons in Ukraine. The UK Defence Secretary also said Kyiv might be wise to let its supporters “see gratitude”. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to his comments saying that “I think we were always grateful to the UK”. UK PM Rishi Sunak distanced himself from Wallace’s comment, saying that Zelensky has expressed gratitude multiple times. Was Ben Waalce forced to resign from his post? Watch this video to know more.
#BenWallace #RishiSunak #Ukraine #UK #NATOSummit #Russia #WorldNews
Credit to : CRUX

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