What would Happen if America’s F-16 went to War with Russia’s MIG-29 ? (Video)

What would Happen if America’s F-16 went to War with Russia’s MIG-29 ?

The comparison of Eastern with Western fighter jets is very popular. It is an often discussed topic on forums and of course many (if not most) opinions are a bit biased. But it is interesting that after the downfall of the Soviet Empire and the end of the East block we now have countries with both – Western and Eastern technology. And we have NATO countries flying with MiGs. Even the US Air Force purchased MiG-29s from Moldova. But of course the research results and tests are not really public, one would lose an advantage if too much information is public. The Polish Air Force is currently operating the F-16 and the MiG-29. And Poland bought the 24 MiG-29s which German Air Force/Luftwaffe inherited from East German Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte der NVA) for a symbolic EUR per piece. It is interesting to talk with pilots of such “mixed” fleets, they usually identify themselves with the fighter jet they fly. MiG-29 pilots highlight the advantages of the MiG, F-16 pilots accentuate the strengths of the Fighting Falcon. And both are right!