Ukrainian Counter Offensive ‘most Critical phase of the War’: Gen Jack Keane

Ukrainian Counter-Offensive to retake the City of Kherson

The Ukrainian counter-offensive to retake the city of Kherson marks the most critical phase of the war, former US Army Chief of Staff General Jack Keane says.

Gen Keane said Ukraine has seized an opportunity to retake some of the territory won by Russia.

“They have been planning this counter-offensive for weeks,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“They’re in the preparation phase now where they’re attempting to shut down all the ground lines of communication, namely the bridges that lead into the city so that the city will be isolated.

“The likely offensive to take the city itself is imminent.”

Gen Keane said this offensive could determine the balance of the war.

“It will help determine the outcome going forward whether this war is going to lean towards Ukraine’s favour or is it going to lead towards a stalemate frozen in place – which clearly favours the Russians.”
Credit to : Sky News Ausrialia