The Novi Sad Raid (1942) – Hungarian Massacre in Serbia during World War II

The Novi Sad Raid (1942)

The 1942 Novi Sad Raid, also known as the Novi Sad Massacre or the Újvidék massacre, was a tragic event that took place during World War II in the city of Novi Sad (Újvidék), located in present-day Serbia. The massacre was carried out by the Hungarian army, which was an ally of Nazi Germany at the time. Novi Sad was under Hungarian occupation as a result of the Axis powers’ invasion and dismemberment of Yugoslavia in April 1941. The city had a significant population of ethnic Serbs, Jews, and other non-Hungarian groups. The Hungarian authorities implemented a policy of ethnic persecution and repression, targeting primarily the Serb and Jewish populations. On January 21, 1942, Hungarian forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel László Szabó, launched a brutal raid on Novi Sad. The raid was a response to the increasing anti-Hungarian sentiment and resistance activities in the region. During the raid, Hungarian troops carried out mass arrests, looting, and widespread acts of violence against the civilian population. Many victims were taken to the banks of the Danube River, where they were shot and thrown into the icy waters. The exact number of victims is disputed, but estimates range from several thousand to over 4,000 people.

Credit to : History Hustle

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