The Making of a Drill Sergeant Episode 1, Part 2

Making of a Drill Sergeant

It’s time for the next video in the series, The Making of a Drill Sergeant, where we follow a U.S. Army Reserve Soldier through the process of going to the The U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.


In Episode 1, Part 2, we get to know a little more about our drill sergeant candidate, Sgt. Alycia Perkins from Columbia, South Carolina. She explains why she wants to become an Army Reserve drill sergeant, what ‘This we’ll defend’ means to her now, before school, and how she has prepared for the academy.


There is also an Army Reserve Drill Sergeant Recruiting 108th Training Command (IET) page on Facebook to help you with your questions.


Credit to : Maj. Michelle Lunato – 98th Training Division -Initial Entry Training

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