Selected Scenes In The US, 1946

Selected Scenes In The US, 1946

Description at the National Archives: “Summary: Woman walks into meat market, presents ration stamps to clerk who tells her he has no more meat left. Another woman enters without stamps, makes purchase of meat at black-market prices. First woman watches transaction, then goes to telephone and reports it to the authorities. Trucking shot, business section in suburban; town. MS, man coming out of house carrying fishing pole. MS, people entering small-town church are greeted by minister. Pan from church entrance to steeple. Int, MS, choir singing. HLS, typical American town (scratched). HS, Pan, waterfront, factories, industrial and business buildings Trucking shot automobiles crossing bridge. MS, two men shoveling snow off sidewalk. MS, small-town business section; people shopping. MS, children playing leap frog in school yard. HS, town of Lindstrom. Railroad station and main business street. Men, including small boy, sweeping sidewalks. CU, whistle blowing on smokestack of ship.”

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