Russia Makes Slow & Steady Progress in Donbas: Update on Russian Military Ops in Ukraine

Russia is making “slow and uneven” progress in Donbas

– Pentagon assesses that Russia is making “slow and uneven” progress in Donbas, but progress nonetheless;
– US claims Russia has “failed” to disrupt Ukrainian efforts to replenish and reinforce its front lines;
– However, this means that Ukraine is throwing its full strength plus everything the West has given it at Russia and still can’t stop Russian forces advancing;
– Pentagon claims US howitzers have already reached the front lines in Donbas;
– Russian forces are likely conducting fixing operations near Kharkov, not attempting to “take” the city;
– US Javelin missiles do not have a great enough range to be useful in the type of fighting taking place in Donbas;
– the Ukrainian army built up by the US-NATO over the past 8 years is being destroyed and cannot be replaced faster than Russia is taking it off the battlefield;
-Turkey is playing a difficult balancing act between the US-NATO and Russia-Eurasia;
Credit to : The New Atlas

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