National Guard participated Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange – (NOREX)

Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange

Approximately 100 Soldiers and Airmen of the Minnesota National Guard participated in the two-week Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange (NOREX). While in Norway, they conducted winter operations training with the Norwegian Home Guard District 12. Minnesota Guardsmen learned winter survival techniques including how to construct a lean-to for emergency shelter, cross-country skiing, emergency food rationing, and skijoring (being pulled behind a track vehicle for long distances).


This exercise is the 46th Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange (NOREX) since it began in 1974. The annual event is the longest-running military exchange partnership between any two nations. Th exchange promotes goodwill and sharpens military readiness between the nations while providing opportunities for cultural understanding among its participants.


Credit to : Sgt. Sydney Mariette

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