International Training Center for Special Forces

Training Center for Special Forces

The International Training Center for Special Forces project is unique and unmatched from the point of view of the widest possible coverage of the contemporary professional, military tactical, and athletic training, preparation, and assembly of the relevant materials. It is also unparalleled in its openness for all Russian citizens, ability to be the base for experience sharing between domestic and foreign specialists in the field, and preparedness to host world-level competitions of various kinds.


The Center’s highly professional instructors team is headed by Daniil Martynov, Assistant to the Head of Chechnya in matters of cooperation with law-enforcement agencies. The team possesses great experience in preparation and implementation of special operations. Over three years, this team has been working on development of the academic programs, prepares trainers, and manages this huge project aimed at the Center’s creation.


Credit : itcsf_russia