Escalating Tensions: Russia’s Koalitsiya-SV Prepares to Strike

Escalating Tensions: Russia’s Koalitsiya-SV Prepares to Strike

In the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, artillery has emerged as a decisive force, shaping the pace and impact of destruction more than tanks or missiles. Russia has introduced its latest heavy artillery system, the 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled artillery complex, which is touted as a game-changer and the country’s most lethal artillery system. This deployment signifies a shift in the dynamics of modern warfare, emphasizing the importance of artillery in strategic operations.

The journey of the Koalitsiya-SV from development to deployment has been marked by delays and challenges. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s recent visit to the Ural Plant of Transport Engineering highlighted the urgency of completing production, underscoring the critical role these systems play on the battlefield. Despite entering serial production only in December 2023, there are speculations about its potential deployment in Ukraine, although the exact details remain unconfirmed amidst the fog of war.
Credit to : Defense TV

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