1st Air Cavalry Div. In Cambodia (North Vietnamese Cache), 1970

1st Air Cavalry Div. In Cambodia (North Vietnamese Cache) , 1970

National Archives description “Summary: LS, soldiers in jungle. CU, soldier and ammo crates on M-274 mechanical mules. CU, 120mm mortar round. VS, soldiers pass crates of ammo in chain fashion. They place them on M-274. CU, soldier looks at 57rn round. if, bumker entrance. if, soldier drives off with loaded mule. CU, 60mm mortar booby trap and marker. LS, soldier at stacked boxes of ammo. CU, AK-47 ammo clip, .51 cal round and a SKS round. CU, AK-47 magazine open and loaded. CU, 60mm mortars in open box. CU, fuses for 60mm mortar. CU, 7,92mm rounds. CU, 60mm, 120mm and SKS rounds. CU, l20mm mortar fuse. VS, soldier takes 60mm mortar rounds from box. VS, soldier takes rifle slings from box. CU, open magazine of .51 cal ammo. VS, soldier digs up 60mm mortar booby trap. MS, booby trap. VS, troops removing roof from ammo bunker. CU, B40 rockets. VS, soldier in chain fashion, pass ammo from bunker to mule. LS, stack of ammo. VS, bags of rice in hootch. VS, UH-1D copter lands, soldiers get off and copter takes off. VS, soldier places crates of amno in cargo net. VS, CH-47 copter hovers over ammo loaded in cargo net. Soldier attaches sling to copter, copter takes off and flies away.” National Archives Identifier: 33650