Russia Warships Leave Mediterranean Sea | “Tasks Completed” Or Black Sea Access Denied By Turkey?

Ukraine War

Three Russian vessels left the Mediterranean in October following a months-long maritime standoff with Turkey. These include missile cruiser Varyag, the flagship of Russia’s Pacific Fleet, and anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs.

Ankara closed the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits for warships just days after start of the Russia-Ukraine war. Ankara invoked the 1936 Montreux Convention after designating Russia’s Ukraine invasion as a “war.” In March, Russia reportedly cancelled a bid to send four of its warships through Turkish waters into the Black Sea. Ankara has long sought to leverage its strategic position at the intercontinental crossroads between Europe and Asia. Turkey serves as a vital transit corridor for key resources like energy and food supplies between the Black and Mediterranean seas. Is Turkey trying to elevate its strategic position with its balancing act between Russia and Ukraine amid a war? Watch the video to find out

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